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Frozen Time

February 1, 2011

Every Sunday night S and I have a similar conversation…. it involves me  expressing my desire to hold on to that precious weekend time and put off the return to work that Monday brings.  My simple request is that I wish I could freeze time. 

Sometimes I wish for this so I can get more done but most of the time it’s simply so I can enjoy more nothingness time of the weekend, reading, taking naps, watching movies, etc. 

Today, I was gifted the closest thing I will likely ever get to freezing time…. The SNOW day!  Well, perhaps snow is a misnomer in our case, it’s more of an accumulated sleet and ice day.  Thankfully since this weather is pretty rare for our region our infrastructure is fairly unprepared to make our streets passable when this type of weather blows in so once a year or so we get a free day off school and work in these parts. 

This morning I thought about trying to make this a productive day and then I took a nap and thought better of it.  I mean wouldn’t productivity being scoffing in the face of this gift of time I’ve been given?  Yes, this day is much better suited for reading one of the 3, yes 3, different books I have going on my Kindle right now, playing with T, catching up on blog reading, watching bad tv, more napping, or anything else I am usually complaining that I don’t have enough time to do.

Off I go.  Hope you find some non-productive “frozen” time to enjoy this week too.

Sweet mother!  This just in, looks like our temps are going to be lingering in the teens overnight which means the roads will still be frozen and tomorrow will be a “snow” day too!  Dear God, thank you for granting my wish.  I now know freezing my time IS possible.

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